Finish Up the Rosato, It’s Barolo Time! #ItalianFWT

Seasonal Wines, Yes or No? Q: How many seasons are there in Minnesota? A: Two. Winter and road construction. Alternate A: Two. Winter and 4th of July. Minnesota is a state with four distinct seasons, and we embrace them all. In our wine groups I hear people saying “rosé is not just for the summer, … Continue reading

Drink Port in the Summer? and PortWineClick!

Summer Ports and PortWineClick! My son, Peter, kids me about all the Ports I highlight on my blog. Living in France, Port is not in his day to day regimen. So of course, he kids me about renaming my blog because I’m neglecting French wines. I, on the other hand, love all sorts of sweet … Continue reading

A Day in Chablis Pt.2 – A Visit to Château de Béru

The Camaraderie of Vignerons My favorite “aha” moment of the day was this: The 2016 harvest was a disaster at Château de Béru. An early killing frost devastated the majority of their vineyards, followed by hailstorms later in the spring. The silver lining to the 2016 weather was a story of the “Camaraderie of Vignerons”. When … Continue reading

Taking a Saber to Farmer Fizz #Winophiles

Having Some Fun With Grower Champagne This month, our group of French Winophiles are celebrating the recent ascension of Grower Champagne. I’ve covered Grower Champagnes several times, so today, we decided to have some fun with our bottle of Grower Champagne.  Let’s Saber! Saber That Bottle of Champagne Popping the cork on a bottle of … Continue reading

Tapas and Albariño: A Winning Combination #WinePW

Granbazán Albariño in a beautiful backyard setting

Wine Pairing Weekend Blogging Group Explores the Refreshing White Wines of Spain and Portugal This month, our Wine Pairing Weekend group is off on a virtual trip the the coastal regions of Spain and Portugal to enjoy the refreshing white wines available from the region. Bonus: since they are less familiar in the US, many … Continue reading

Eating Pizza / NotPizza with Italian / NotItalian Wines #ItalianFWT

Italian, Not From Italy with the Italian Food, Wine & Travel Blogging Group Wait, I thought this group is dedicated to Italian food, wine and travel?  This month we’re coloring outside the lines by exploring Italian grape varieties grown outside of Italy. Wine grapes from France have traveled all over the world, from the US … Continue reading